Monday, April 30, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
i was so busy talking last night that i forgot i've Service today.
i slept at 2am, god.
needless to say, waking up at 6am was certainly a chore.
anw, daddy sent me to school today, LOL.
well, the entire day was bearable, better then last week.
except that my lil finger feels a lil weird.
met up with tootsie after school.
along with her classmates with weird names like veggie and all.
and so we shopped.
and we eat. and eat. and eat.
first up was indonesian cuisine.
den some traditional chinese crap.
dinner at Sakae.
we got so fed-up waiting for CHOOS to come so we started to eat.
so finally had our girls' talk.
my bus36. her omg-big-eyes. clearwater. canoe training. drama.
finally! our honeychoos came.
bitching. catchups.
tootsie, thank you for listening to my oh-so-long-story.
and you'll always be the annoying turtle lah!
honeychoos, thank you for your sweaty big bear hug.
something that i really need right now.
andthesongs,ithinktheyarethereforareason. (:
okay, im awfully tired.
letssaygoodnightandsleep. (:
like a soulmate! (:
Sunday, April 29, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
my lil thang. always.
Saturday, April 28, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
and i love you to bits and pieces and tralala. (:
celebration was a blast.
ah, like any other birthday celebrations we ate ALOT.
lunch at Swensen's cuz lil thang wanted baked rice.
and we go gaga over calamari rings.
spent the entire afternoon with lil thang.
only the two of us. (:
the stupid games.
the irritating songs.
the annoying beeping sound.
the shake-your-booty-dance.
the bounce-all-you can.
the innocent heartfelt words you said to me.
went down to Vivo for dinner and mass shopping!
dinner was at Shin Kushiya.
grilled enoki, we absolutely adore!
grilled calamari, droooool.
shopped for his presents.
walked around like four of us owned the place. (:
anw, finally got his bday cake at Bakerzin.
that fickled-minded kid chose oreo cheesecake, LOL.
only people who understands will find it funny.
oreo cheesecake, great minds think alike.
despite the eight years of age gap, we're banana-close.
we shared many crazy ideas that no one will ever imagine.
we done many silly things that will get us into trouble.
not to mention the fact that we often drive each other crazy.
at the end of the day, you're still my most loved one.
the one who never question about my decision.
the one who gives me a hug randomly.
the one who never fail to make me smile.
the one who never makes me feel worthless.
the one who gives me positive comments no matter what.
the one who makes me feel that i truly belong.
i love you, lil thang.
always and forever.
the unbreakable bond.
Friday, April 27, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
yes, HTM orientation is over.
and hellyeah, everyone had fun, didnt we?!
i think everything was pretty awesome.
EXCEPT for the weather which was sooooo disappointing.
nevertheless, things ended up well.
blah, just CHOP the place man, MUAHAHA.
job well done, HTM IG.
the rocking fellas.
many thanks to those who helped out.
its greatly appreciated.
and to cheerios, imsohappy.
andhowyoustoodbymerainorshineloves. (:
been a long day.
IG IG IG IG IG IG! ((((:
Thursday, April 26, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
mu-ha-ha. (:
lecture today is way good.
accounting, LMAO.
and so, we're tallying money for HTM orientation.
counting the money makes us feel so rich, feel only. LOL.
IG meeting.
prayyyyy that it doesnt rain tmr!
bought our logistics and all.
cheese prata! (:
mummy makes the best comfort food ever.
and so i've been told.
ignore the presence and spot QTs! (:
really grateful.
because they understood and they accepted.
way beyond comprehension.
anw, i so didnt not make you happy for no raisins.
we're happy peanutbutterjelly. (:
we'veadatetgteveryfridaysolovingit. (((:
anw, i owe 升.少爷 like a million.
so a very big thank you. (:
everyone, have fun tmr.
goodnight, im so rocking proud of you, BB. (:
your heartfelt words! (: (: (:
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
im sorry.
it hurts so much that i want to cry myself blind.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
CWQ, please calm down!
went to school earlier to acc Shar.
lunch. IG-ed. slacked.
tutorial. lect.
my stomach been cramping all day long; feeling so dead.
and so, after lect we had this IG meeting.
i think it got us all stressed up. ):
for a moment i felt as though things weren't within our control.
its really scary; and i got a lil pissed with myself.
and the oh-so-fucked-up cramps didnt really help either.
i swear cramps screw me up.
eh, dont talk to us like that.
you're not the only busy one, we've got things to do too.
you you YOU, yat piat si!
i've got a million things to do now.
but im soooooo sleepy.
i want to get all this shit off my to-do list.
for the second time, i need a break. ):
it doesnt pay good to be kind, grrr.
and then i snorted! (:
Monday, April 23, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
first day of school; better than i expected.
had service meth from 8-4pm.
i swear that i look like a security guard in that fugly uniform.
anw, i was late so i ran to TCC from the bus stop in my killer heels.
imagine me cursing and swearing while running in heels; laugh.
he roared.
he's god-damn strict.
left without a choice, we had lunch in Engine.
it's my third time there.
still, the food sucked like (&*&*^$.
i cant believe i actually harboured hope.
two more hours of corking and uncorking the wine bottles.
one hour of pouring wine.
by 3, my soles are killing me.
i swear that i'll wear my ahma shoes next week, no matter what!
met up with peeps.
IG stuff, alllll the way.
and we saw eyecandy, X-man.
muahaha, finally back! ((:
dinner at TM.
and i got whatever is required for service, phew.
oh oh, i finally got my dayplanner; totally in sync. (:
i think i should get another book to write those random stuff.
you annoyed me.
i went all out for you but you annoyed me.
kick you in the face and smack it hard.
just ESAD, you goo!
sleepy, goodnight.
i want to learn to roar like him.
stucked between the reality and and fantasy! (:
Sunday, April 22, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
woke up in cold sweat, damn that small thing that im chasing.
i hate it when i dream.
movie day with clique.
watched 200 pounds beauty.
okay, i cried.
what she said was really touching kay.
nydc-ed. ramen tei-ed.
the mud pie was alright; ramen sucks like shit.
shopping; bought stuff.
i want my paycheck, fast!
havent we held on to that belief for so many years?
and why the sudden change in ur perspective?
how you expect me to give you a definite answer just like that?
havent we been a group since day one?
we are not two individuals from that group.
we are in the group.
love, i want you to know we have never been apart.
and will never be.
alright, im so going bonkers from all that planning.
it's been tough trying to accomodate to everyone's wishes.
i wished i didnt ask from the start.
just plan and dont give a damn.
school starts at 8am tmr.
the time is now 1.39am and im wide awake, totally cool.
note to self : i need to get a new day planner soon.
i cant live without a day planner; upside down.
goodnight, im so sick of love songs.
to snap back into reality.
i define the sour feeling as jealousy! )):
Saturday, April 21, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
see the crazy asses acting like batman in the second row? that's us.
my girls before the Jam&Hop. (:
smack that felicia!
my throat went haywire from all that cheering.
where HTM won the best diploma.
H-H-HTM. (:
SL tea party.
@ 11:59 PM
week 0 finally ended.
muahaha, champs for the third time.
at least all that cheering and all didnt go down the drain.
most impt of all, we had fun. (:
freshies are kinda cute; innocent and all.
reminds me of how we are when we first came in.
went to Jam&Hop with peeps.
dancing with friends in a circle can be loads of fun.
i serious miss jacBABY alot when we're all dancing in a cirle.
where are you, my crazy dance partner? ):
slept for 13 hours straight when i got home.
and i was almost late for work.
work was a mass blur.
usually, i hate being the host but not today. (:
supper at XingWang with Shar and HL after work.
eat. crap. laugh. cabbed home.
you still do the thing you do, as always.
and i still react the way same way, as always.
if this goes on, i'll go bonkers.
you piece of shit, ugh.
school's gonna start on monday but im still in holiday mood.
i need to get a day planner soon.
HTM orientation coming soon too.
plan. plan. plan; i want a break.
honestly, my brain is not in the work-hard state.
feeling oh-so-slacky 24/7. ):
movie date with peeps tmr.
one last day of fun before sch starts, treasure.
i dont know what to do to make myself feel better.
hazardous! (:
Thursday, April 19, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
back from first day of week 0.
led 1H09 with bitch; hell loads of fun!
something good about camps and orientation,
you can scream and cheer like there's no tmr; and no one cares.
with all that screaming and all,
i think we irritated everyone with our cheer, LOL.
everything was awesome.
except that im losing my voice for screaming like a lunatic.
okay, i soooo look forward to tmr.
come on, champs for the third time!
honestly speaking, im really tired.
aching from head to toe, LOL.
i didnt know i could do that, until today.
i guess it was hidden deep down. until today. (:
timetable is out.
and i dont like it, not at all.
i reckon i'll have monday blues every monday.
8am-5pm; tell me, will you have monday blues too?
omg, cheryl says im funny and i make funny expressions w/o realising.
i dont know whether to feel happy or sad, LOL.
cuz i think those expressions must be really ugly.
i know its random but i think its a rather big issue k!
i miss your waves and smiles.
and i thought it was you; hoped so though.
okay, i need to sleeeep.
goodnight, i think i need to talk to you soon.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
back from clique chalet.
i'm too lazy to comment.
just let it be.
checked out this morning and went down to town.
and finally, i got my trainers.
you've no idea how many Royal Sporting Hse and Nike i went.
why everyone wears size 7.5 and 8?
Suki Sushi.
and and and! we finally watched Because I Said So today.
its damn funny, i soooooooo like her hair!
"I love it cuz you're the only one who can talk in circles
and it still makes sense."
i think this is really very sweet.
i dont know how to explain why is it so, but its really sweet.
Snacked at Mos Burger and headed home.
i hate it when its super packed in the train, ugh.
omg, we saw eyecandy and his freshies outside the mrt station.
i was damn happy; eyecandyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. (((((:
either you've changed or this is your true self.
either way makes me feel like you are a total stranger.
small details that i've nv notice became so noticeable.
things that i thought didn't matter turned me off completely.
i guess there was a reason why i felt that way back then.
it's always right to trust your instincts.
slow down. speed up.
total waste, aiyer!
Week 0 Orientation for freshies tmr.
reporting time at 7am is total crap.
i feel so old school to wake up at 6am tmr.
like as though back to the good old days at BN.
my gastric is back in action.
and it wayyyyy more awful than cramps.
goodnight, cheerios.
because sharon shared her blanket with me. (:
scream and shout with all your might! ((:
Monday, April 16, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
okay, i was supposed to get my sneakers before i get to sch today.
but damn it, none of the branches have my size, grrrr.
back to school for the SL tea party.
eight hours of tea party means loads of cheering and mass dance.
i cant wait for week 0, when everyone is gonna cheer their lungs out.
be prepared to lose your voice, LOL.
went down to Plaza Sing to meet Jimmy and Eve after tea party.
getting high and cheering in PS at 10 plus is a lil crazy.
but i dont think we care.
it not like us to care, not really.
dinner at Crystal Jade.
blah blah blah.
chilled at Mac.
all that planning shit is driving me nuts.
i dread tmr's meeting.
its gonna be long and draggy with everyone disagreeing and all, ugh.
do you realise its always the same old things that you say to me?
i think maybe we ought to opt a new way to communicate.
can't you tell me straight in the face?
its so not like you to beat about the bush.
i don't know what are you trying to show.
but it just not your usual self.
anw, clique chalet tmr!
we say hello to gambling and bowling sessions. (:
goodnight, weirdshit.
i feel so lazy; couch potato.
and you just left, sliently! ((:
Sunday, April 15, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
my stomach is unwell.
no, this doesnt stop me from eating, LOL.
cuz i think i seriously have nothing better to do.
sushi at the usual place.
i adore egg mayo gunkan to the maxxxxxxx.
loads and loads of mochi for supper.
i feeling sooooo queasy now.
mydearestwonderwall, when ppl says that their eyecandy is ur best friend.
you should smile, not give that face; thanks alot.
you're very randommmmm.
sleep lah!
goodnight, gutsy.
on and off the shelves, pfffft! (((:
Saturday, April 14, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
i dont know what's wrong.
but today was a pretty downnnn day.
i had diahorrea early in the morning.
i think its the ramen i ate yesterday.
slammed my head against that cupboard while getting panadols.
i think this is normal cuz im always clumsy.
totally forgot to bring my notepad to work.
and i was too embarrassed to admit it, LOL.
i made a huge mistake during work.
i felt so bad.
stomach wrecked havoc during work.
and i was in a total zombie state.
after work was wayyy cool.
feast at lau pa sat with Shar, Jimmy and Eve.
walked all the way to Esplanade.
we've been doing romantic things this few days, it doesnt feel right.
leeched at Mac.
good old days.
looking all shagged and smelling like trash after work,
i always have to bump into ppl at my most unglam moments.
on my bus 36, i was just so not willing to get off the bus.
but its okay, i know where it is, LOL.
on my bus 15, i saw many many BN ppl.
Izz, Kai, Rach, Sam, YT and more.
god, why must i bump into ppl in this state?
like oh-s0-pathetic.
grrr, waited for 1hr before our Mr Nick appeared.
fish soup for supper was god-like.
its really sweet of you to buy supper.
but not when im watching my diet, omg!
sometimes i just hope that all this wont be just memories.
many unfulfiled wishes, many places to go.
i have much to say.
but im soooooo tired, ugh.
just sleep and forget all about it okay?!
goodnight, my bus 36.
holding on like nothing went wrong! (:
@ 11:09 AM
its been so long.
i want to hold on like nothing went wrong.
but it seems like a feat.
Friday, April 13, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
met up with Jimmy, Eve and Nicole.
had a reallyyyyyyyy long discussion.
i think we just don't know how to voice it out somehow.
but it will be okay, i guess.
darling popped by!
i really didnt expect to see her, omg.
off the couple go for their double date.
and we had our les-date.
Nic got her bodyshop stuff.
and i finally bought my Novo slips, whoots!
dinner was really romantic because of the atmosphere.
the lighting, music and all.
the korean cuisine was superb.
awww, the small talks made me think twice!
everyone is so contradicting lah!
and they got me all confused!
nvm, we've a bet going on.
that's what that counts.
why is everyone feeling down today.
it makes me feel as though im the only crazy one.
blah, i want to finish my show but i cant find the link.
im sooooooo bored now.
okay, forget it.
goodnight, chickyboo.
if you can comprehend what im feeling, let me know! (:
Thursday, April 12, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
hello hello!
im so loving my tootsie and honeychoos. (:
met up with tootsie for movie.
freedom writers was awesome.
im so gonna find the real freedom writers diary and read it.
i think im sucha crybaby, really.
honeychoos met up with us after she finished sch, like finally.
and yes, we finally went to Ikea. (((:
swedish meatballs and chicken wings.
and loads and loads of pictures.
i love my girls so much.
like the dynamic trio in ikea, total havoc.
the girls are my best company ever.
to make me laugh like there's no tomorow. (:
shake our bons to the deafening music.
laugh at the most outrageous thing.
the dynamic trio. *to the left, to the left, LOL.
*monkey, gorilla, chimpanzee.
newest hobby; smooching the croco.(:
we're gonna rule the world. my sweetest tootsie ever!
braved through the storms together.
my rocking girls that love me so.
last but not least, yours truly that loves you so.
mango mousse and strawberry shortcake for supper.
super big thank you. (: (: (:
why didnt you?!
it was a plain dumb move.
im sooooooooo happy.
reallyyyyyy. (:
i want to eat raw salmon, manymany.
i need to shop, soonsoon.
wide wide smile.
grin to myself and scream silently! (((((:
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
back to TP for IG meeting.
well, i just hope it goes on well.
school is invaded by freshies and the very high GLs.
and yeah, eyecandy cheered for us today. ((:
town-ed with Ade and Nicole.
ahem, a real shopping spree; im so satisfied.
i think i spend more than half my pay today.
tell me, how to survive if this goes on?
shop. crap. laugh. crazy moves.
three crazyasses walking up and down, LOL.
dinner at Sushi Tei with Nicole.
like finally, i satisfied my craving for curry katsu don.
boy, it was awesome.
because we talked about everything under the sun. (:
right person. wrong place.
right place. wrong person.
more than just an information vault.
i think my entries are so boring nowadays.
its getting stale.
lost the ability to express how i feel.
你说这是幸运 还是不可思议
身边有太多风景 我却停在这里
说我傻的可以 还不是因为你
i want to fast forward to next week.
its driving me nuts, the suspense.
amuse me! (:
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
im smiling so much that it hurts.
wayyyyyy beyond that. (:
baby came to visit with her darl today.
im so glad and yes, im so loving you. (:
give me novocaine! (: (: (: (: (:
Monday, April 09, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
okay, i slept at 6am.
thanks to our Mr Ed who's finally willing to call his bud at 5AM.
brunch with mummy.
threading and shopping.
finally got my black skinny.
like after soooooo long.
rushed down to PlazaSing for IG meeting.
and it goes on and on.
Bugis-ed with Gina and Mich.
bought M's present, damn cute lah!
met Nick for sushi feast.
yaybaby, finally got my spicy tuna salad.
ahem xuans, nick also agree i got tanner okay.
so dont come (&*)&^*&R%$^( at me, LOL.
sense of belonging, gone.
i see the familiar faces but i don't feel it, not anymore.
to persist for something that i feel is right.
but sadly, we are oh-so-different.
most people dread when it ends.
but i detest it the most when it starts.
the routine, we dumbasses go round and round.
newsflash, you are still at where you first started.
tired, aren't you?
well, i know i am.
" aiyer, for the sake of it, i think it's worth it to be a dumbass. "
i don't think so.
oh oh oh, i think im gonna die of embarrassment.
way to go man; all the way!
i think i sprained my shoulder or whatsoever.
wincing in pain.
OH, i screamed and laughed when i saw that.
boy, was i happy. (:
say hello.
and laugh. (:
i've tonnes of IG stuff to do.
and i don't know why am i still waiting, LOL.
i want to control my laughter but you're so god-damn funny.
so much for being sweet! (((:
Sunday, April 08, 2007 @ 11:59 PM
hello people!
im back from SL camp and my internet connection is finally revived.
3 days 2 nights of fun.
and yeah, got to know people that i've never met.
being in camp means three things.
being super stinky. having not enough sleep. losing your voice.
shan't go into details of what we did, too lazy.
bits and pieces.
this our mascot, Mr Lepus Rabbit.
station games.
bidding for food.
thinking of cheers in the bathroom.
gossiping with Shar at 3am in the morning in our sleeping bags.
waking up at 6.30am to wash up.
my very first field cooking experience.
ALP, Adventure Learning Programme.
running in the rain.
very first flying fox attempt.
night walk.
coming up with a cheer right in the middle of the sports hall.
staying up late w my girls to think of a rabbit story.
sleeping right in the middle of the sports hall.
extremely salty beehoon.
out-of-sch games.
running around like a madass.
mr lepus rabbit has a tooth outta his mouth.
winning the race.
cutting carrots.
gorge on pringles.
performance night.
cheer till we drop.
lugging two sleeping bags, one shoe bag and one monster-looking bag.
cabbed, i dont give a damn anymore.
manyloves to my fellow LEPUS girls who filled the 3days with fun.
jingwen, who sings with me wherever i go.
and being such a sweetie whenever im whining.
yunru, for cheering as hard as i did.
and thinking of so many cheers at 3am in the morning.
serena, for being so observant.
and protecting our phones during the rain.
and oh oh oh oh, three days of camp means three days of looking at eyecandy.
looking good, as always. (((((((((:
i slept like a log after camp.
all i do was to sleep, sleep and more sleep.
after camp, i began to realise i've lost much stuff.
things that once belonged to me is now gone.
i was dumbfounded for a moment or two and i had this aching feeling inside me.
but i think its better this way, on the long run.
i think i will miss you.
as much as i used to.
dinner at Swensen's with peeps on thursday.
we're crappy.
worked on friday.
i was sucha klutz, i so wanna die.
watched Meet the Robinsons yesterday.
i fell asleep, i think cartoons are just not suitable for me.
went to work after movie, Filiana is oh-so-cute lah.
dessert supper at Bugis.
internet was down for the past few days.
and i got so bored that i finished all movies and dramas.
not to mention that i've been eating non-stop.
its so scary that i dont dare to remind myself what i've eaten.
let's stop our late night snacks.
its soooooo not healthy but oh-so-tempting, baby.
cold war in progress.
numbed, and i so don't care.
why can't i?
i wonder so.
kay, done with all that shit.
don't make it sound like its a sin.
its not wrong to tell the truth.
when hell break loose, i'll stay by you, my love! (((: